Proposed School of Visually Impaired. For detailed report
- Vocational training
- Establishments of self help group promotion and micro finance.
- Facilities for old age people.
- Health and family health care centres.
- Capacity building and networking at grassroots in all parts of India.
- Establishments plans and ways for labour welfare.
- Promote non conventional energy source all over India.
- Rehabilitation and care centres for women in India.
- Plantation of 500 acres of trees.
- Rural health care centres/hospitals
- Common facility centre for providing training and skills, up-gradation of brass/bell metal works.
- Establishment of Artisan guilds for tree kraftworks.
- Guidance For employment opportunities for men and women for their self dependence.
- Rehabilitation centre for differently abled people(Specially empowered people).
- Old age homes for poor aged people.
- Creche for care of orphans, kids and adoption.
- To establish residential facility for the working youth (including women).