Proposed School of Visually Impaired. For detailed report

  1. Vocational training
  2. Establishments of self help group promotion and micro finance.
  3. Facilities for old age people.
  4. Health and family health care centres.
  5. Capacity building and networking at grassroots in all parts of India.
  6. Establishments plans and ways for labour welfare.
  7. Promote non conventional energy source all over India.
  8. Rehabilitation and care centres for women in India.
  9. Plantation of 500 acres of trees.
  10. Rural health care centres/hospitals
  11. Common facility centre for providing training and skills, up-gradation of brass/bell metal works.
  12. Establishment of Artisan guilds for tree kraftworks.
  13. Guidance For employment opportunities for men and women for their self dependence.
  14. Rehabilitation centre for differently abled people(Specially empowered people).
  15. Old age homes for poor aged people.
  16. Creche for care of orphans, kids and adoption.
  17. To establish residential facility for the working youth (including women).